
V-Twin Mania is a Mail order only business started in 2004 by Ali and Elaine Robertson based in Dunbar, Scotland.

Ali was responsible for bringing Harley’s to Scotland in 1986 when he signed his company Alvins to the Harley brand and ran the sole Factory appointed dealership in Scotland till 1999. During this time Ali fell in love with Harley’s and owned almost every model but today has a 100th Anniversary Ultra Classic.

Alvins decided to pursue a different direction in selling non Harley makes and parted company with the motor company in 1999 although Ali continued to deal in Harley products due to the strong demand from many of his previous customers. Over the years Ali gained a vast knowledge of Harley’s and the products available for them and this has been one of the key successes of V-Twin Mania.

In 2004 Ali and his partner Elaine saw a move in the market to more online shopping and decided to open their own mail order company which Elaine would run full time with the help of Ali. The business expanded so fast that Ali decided to join Elaine full time in January 2006, and with the launch of our own web site the future looks extremely bright.